Saturday, February 26, 2011

I inventions

Hi, my name is Isaac. I have an invention notebook full of inventions that I have drawn, and I am on the stage of making them. I have about 37-40 inventions, and I am proud of all of them, because they are my best work, and I have put a lot of effort into thinking them up, and detailing them. I love writing inventions and look forward to doing my life's career with them at my side. Please take the time to look through my inventions, and if you find one that is potentional, you are welcome to invest in it. I think my inventions are good, I know that is totally my opinion, too. But as you read every detail, and get to understand it better, it will make more sense, and you will like it more than you would. Oh, and by the way, I inventions means Isaac's Inventions. I try to put as many details as possible in my inventions so they will not seem too unrealistic.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am going to post SOME of my inventions, but if you do not find something interesting in those, then tell me and I will post more inventions. The inventions will come soon!

  3. Oh, and that previous comment was by me, just for you to know, so you know that I am not a random person commenting.
